My husband and I have just bought an old brick German farmhouse built in 1929. The last owner was a carpenter and placed thick wooden paneling all over the walls. While attractive it took away so much space. It also had terrible old vinyl flooring. We have removed most of the paneling, and have ripped up the vinyl flooring and the particle board subfloor to reveal lovely hardwood plank flooring which we plan to refinish in all rooms except the bathrooms. After removing the paneling we had to remove about four to five layers of wallpaper. There are some holes in the wall from the screws the held the paneling up and we were told that we'd need to rip out all of the wall layer of cement (around the bricks that were used to build the house) and completely redo it. Is this really necessary? Isn't there some sort of filler we can use? We're told that it's likely the fillers will crumble after awhile, which is evident from the rounded ceiling/wall corner where they added electrical wiring.TLDR; what can I use to fill holes in concrete walls that will stand the test of time?Any other general helpful tips in our endeavor is appreciated! Thank you! via /r/DIY http://bit.ly/2VukJ4E