TLDR at end
Recently I have come into a job opportunity that pays 25 an hour, over double what I made before my career switch. The only caveat is that I would be working long hours and the job is 100% travel so I wouldn’t be home often, if at all since I’ll be staying in hotels throughout the week. With the job I will be moving halfway across the country and either have to get a new place to rent. My idea is, instead of renting a house/apartment I could buy an RV to take with me and set up in a lot relatively close by to stay in when I’m off work. In theory this would save money and I wouldn’t mind the lack of space since I will be spending very little time there anyways and I’m single so no problems there. I’m looking for thought on why this is a bad/good idea or if I should just go the traditional route. I just don’t like the idea of paying 1000+ a month renting a place that I’ll be spending about a week in every month.
TLDR: new job with 100% travel, should I rent an apartment or buy an RV to save money.
Submitted May 02, 2019 at 01:19PM by colebino