I know there are a bunch of calculators out there in this but they’re so different.
I’m 35, husband is 37. Two kids ages 5 and 2.
I make about $100k, he makes about $55k.
Currently we have about a $105k 30-year mortgage (only debt) that we will pay off early, likely in about 15-18 years.
We have about $80k between savings and an investment account.
I have about $120k in retirement, he has about $25k in retirement.
My work also covers one time my salary for life insurance at no cost to me, and I’m currently paying $16/month through work for a $200k policy for him that I would like to cancel.
A $500k policy for him for 30 years is $815/year.
For me, it’s $385 for the same terms.
Is $500k too much? They also had rates for $350k.
Submitted May 09, 2019 at 06:50AM by Retroindigo http://bit.ly/2PRr7wE