What is your drive for simple living?
For me, it started with not harming the world as much as I could help it. That started my path to being vegan, which lead to minimalism (reduce material possession), and that opened my eyes to ideas like r/frugal, r/anticonsumption, r/zerowaste, and eventually to here. I want to live a life that's simple; have enough money to get by, do things I enjoy (right now its learning French and how to play to Ocarina), and be a living example of "you dont need a lot of money/stuff to be happy." (After making sure your basic needs are met)
So my question for you is, why do you want to live simply? What brought you to this choice?
Submitted April 16, 2019 at 11:22PM by ImStrongICanDoThis http://bit.ly/2DiT5wn