Hi all. I'm looking for some advice and hope some friendly financial wizards out there can help.
We're completing on the sale of our house and purchase of a new one. Our old house went up in value a lot, so we're coming out the other side with some spare - about £45k.
Now, we have some personal loans to pay off (car finance, an old home improvement loan) that come to around £13k - so obviously we pay off those first.
This leaves £32k. My thinking so far is to at least stash some of it in a low-risk, easily liquidated investment as an "emergency fund" should either myself of my partner lose our jobs.
I suppose my real question is, what are the best options for doing something like this, and what kind of return can we expect? Also, any other ideas for what to do with the rest of it (beyond things like home improvement, going on holiday etc...).
Some other context - we have two young kids and live in the UK (not London). I appreciate any advice!
Submitted April 04, 2019 at 09:50AM by throwaway_5960 https://ift.tt/2Ufz0RX