I’m completely new to investing. I understand the S&P 500 is the go-to ETF for investors, however, there are different S&P 500 from SPY, VOO, and IVV.
My question is, CAN and SHOULD we choose “more than one” of these S&P 500 from all three SPY, VOO, and IVV in our portfolio? Basically, are there multiple benefits to choosing more than one even though each S&P 500 essentially contains the same 500 indexes (so as not to put all eggs in one basket in case one, either SPY, VOO, or IVV is no longer offered or disappears)? Why?
And what would happen if one of the S&P 500 (either from SPY, VOO, IVV is no longer offered or disappears)? Would the 500 company indexes within that disappeared S&P 500 transfer over to the other S&P 500 ETF? (Example: Pretend SPY is no longer available; would the funds from SPY transfer over to either VOO or IVV, or would the fund automatically be sold?)
I’m sorry I’m just trying to wrap my head around all this being completely new in the investing world and learning all these investing terms.
Submitted March 04, 2019 at 03:12AM by superdudism https://ift.tt/2SFuGWD