Financially, my husband and I are sound but just a few months ago, we weren't making enough to pay bills so we were constantly under in our account. We made a massive change in our we operated our finances and now we are doing pretty good!
However, after having several problems with our roommate, one of them being not paying his bills on time or even in full, which helped cause some of our misfortunes. Well, today he packed up everything, including stuff not his (but I don't really care because we were wanting new dishes once he moved out anyway since he misuses and destroys everything he touches). Unfortunately for us, we are now having to make up for bills he yet again, did not pay in full. Only gave us $50 for apartment, electric, and internet, when his stuff altogether is at least $300.
He left his couch, so we are going to clean it up and sell it. But he also left the room in a disgusting manner, with dirty foot prints on the wall (that are near impossible to clean, I've made a dent but it's been after hours of scrubbing.
I'm worried the complex is going to charge us for damages but idk if we can pay that right now. And our lease is up at the end of June. We can't break our lease, because it costs too much out of pocket for us to transfer rooms ($1600 approx.)
What should we do to make sure we can make until June?
TLDR: Roommate left us high and dry, wanting advice on how to keep afloat until lease is up June 27th.
Submitted March 01, 2019 at 09:29PM by UrbanReader