My concerns is using stainless steel vs galvanized.Now let me give a run down of the structure and the exposures it needs to endure.So outdoor grills are covered with concrete board cement on top of that and stone veneer.I hope to cover the bottom of this island with some boarding thick enough to keep the kitchen on a platform as to protect it from accumulating water up to maybe 2 inches or even a 1 ft.I think I read humidity can get up to 200 degrees.so this is why you have to add 1 vent every 6 feet.So considering all this do you think stainless steel is good and what grade should I look to buy.I know most people use galvanized but it’s preety challenging to get and I’m starting to think it’s just a insurance factor.I think stainless is good enough I’m getting it in 2 inches tubular.What you guys think! via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2JcFCf2