So the jacka... err... previous owners of my house made several “improvements” to our house before they left. I just confirmed an assumption that neither of the two bathroom exhaust fans were done properly.The master bath has the exhaust hose just laying on top of some insulation. While it’s running, I don’t feel any airflow at all coming through. 1) I assume there should be some flow to be felt?The guest bath fan has no hose connected to it at all and was blowing into a pile of insulation. I wasn’t able to check it for air flow.2) can the two of these vented through one roof vent, or do they need to be separate? They’re only about 6’ apart.3) our roof is only about 6 months old, so I don’t know that I want to be the one to drill holes through it. If I were to outsource this, is it a job for a general contractor or electrician or what?4) again if I did outsource it, what might a loose ballpark cost be? Or a bare minimum maybe?Edits: this old house video is where I got most of my understanding of what I have/should have. Have I been mislead?I live in West Texas so climate is far more hot and dry than anything else. via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2HAuYwK