Hello everyone, I am a 30 year old who is looking for some advise on what I should be doing with my money.
Salary - $140k Cash- $160k Fidelity 401K job A- $55k (forgot who manages) 401K job B- $8k ADP 401k current job- $33k Vanguard Roth IRA- $4500
Upcoming expenses: Wedding $10k or so House? We live in SoCal and expect to put down at least $150k for a house. My Fiance has about $60k in cash and we would be combining incomes.
Questions are as follows: 1. Should I roll over any of my old 401Ks to my new employers plan? 2. What should I know about rolling over the old 401k to IRAs? 3. Assuming I would like to buy a house over the next year or two, should I invest all that cash I have laying around in a bank account? 4. Any other suggestions?
Submitted March 16, 2019 at 10:58AM by NYTOSCTOCA https://ift.tt/2HxLKvX