I personally realized full-time jobs is not for me, but I understand, at least in the usa, it is the norm. I've experienced days where I got off 9 hour day works even 1 or 2 hours earlier and oh man it made a big difference.
no degree.
I have 2 years of accounting clerk experience.
and...thats it. I'm self teaching python. Can just do 6 kyu code wars, sometimes 5. Working on it.
I know nursing isnt for me, I hear that often you can do like 3 12 hour work days or something.
I do have an opportunity to learn truck dispatching, would have to work for free for a while and dont know how that can be made into part time tho.
I know its not much to work with, but any tips or advice on what I might be able to do?
I've thought of maybe food delivery for now, just to make something.
Submitted February 26, 2019 at 03:07AM by zph0eniz https://ift.tt/2TfwcDm