Hello world! I am a software engineer, earning $4800 per month. I have personal loan $9320 with 13% apr and a credit card (Discover) $3550 with 22% apr that need to be clear. Payments are $1000/personal loan and $500/Discover per month.
Coming to monthly expenditures are Single bedroom $800 Utilities $150 Food $400 Phone $80 Other stuff $200 Since, using Uber/Lyft to daily commute it’s around $250
Total $3500 around
Firstly, I am planning to buy a used car (credit score is 730) wanna spend around $200 including insurance.
Secondly, if all is well, here is the problem my plan B to move to Canada next year. i.e, May 2020.
Buying a car is worthy? Seeking financial advice on my loans and payments. I am in confused state right now. I have to start working on my savings someway or other way.
Submitted February 01, 2019 at 08:50PM by dama1vn http://bit.ly/2D51e6D