I will preface this with saying that my rent is what it is. I had to find a place to live in a minuscule amount of time and options were limited. After my lease is up, I will be moving to a cheaper place but for now, I have to work with what I have. I can't bitch about it.
I am moving a few states away, starting a new job. I graduated two years ago and job opportunities in my state are limited, so I had to take what I could get. The salary is low but the title is great and will help with future jobs.
As of right now, I live with my parents to save money and I have a good bit saved up. They will be helping with moving costs and they will be watching my dog for a bit until I get settled.
I do have student loans, federal and private. I was paying $700 a month, but was able to get once refinance and the other based on income, so my payments are about $300 now.
I don't eat out very much, once a week if that. I pre plan my meals and always take leftovers. I don't have cable anymore and have cancelled all unnecessary subscriptions (gym, Hulu, etc.)
I have calculated everything out and after rent and loans, it looks like I will have about $700-800 dollars to work with for groceries, gas, etc. I will probably also get a small part time job on the weekends.
Will I be able to make that work? Looking for reassurance. :)
Edit: I found a place that is very close to my job, about 10 minutes, so I will be saving gas. Right now I pay a lot because my jobs are 30 minutes away without traffic.
Submitted January 05, 2019 at 10:49AM by DazedAndVeryUsed http://bit.ly/2VyWHSC