Hey all,
So, I recently found out about a credit card my wife swore up and down she didn't use was in fact being used fairly regularly. I've paid the balance with it's late fees (trust me, I know), I've reported the card lost and am getting the number changed and taking control of the account.
However, upon going through the charges I see that we were getting charged from a local newspaper. Now, several months ago my wife had signed up for the newspaper having been told it was only $1/mo for 12 months, the actual charges vary from $24-32/mo, which is the standard price. When I called to cancel the service I brought up that they've been over charging me since I signed up, they acknowledged that was typical and I needed to go online and login (no idea what my login would be since I didn't know there was any such accounts) and enter a promo code. So I asked the customer rep where such a promo code comes from, and they then said they put a piece of paper in my newspaper with a promo code. I have several dozen newspapers still lying around so while on the phone I go and ask where in the paper it would be, she had no idea and just said it would be a piece of paper in the newspaper. 3-4 newspapers torn apart later, no promo code paper. There was a newly delivered paper from that day in my driveway, tear apart that one, no promo code. She then refuses to cancel my service and says that I owe them money for January. I asked why since they'd been autocharging me for months, they then swore up and down the card was declined even though the card only had $250 on it with a ~$4000 limit, there was definitely no issue with the card being charged.
What recourse do I have with these charges? Am I just SOL? Do I need to file fraudulent charges on the credit card, since that's not the correct price, they acknowledged it wasn't the right price but insisted they couldn't give me the promotion without a promo code they were themselves sending me. Any advice would be awesome.
Thanks in advance!
Submitted January 18, 2019 at 07:14AM by ThrowAwayNewsPlz http://bit.ly/2VZoImh