Just looking to hear from other people share their thoughts if they're in or have been in a similar situation.
The transportation aspect of my life is as simple as anyone can make it. I live in a wonderful city for bike commuting; for the summers I can just use the cheap, shared bicycle services in the city and get to work in 15m. During the winter I walk to work in 25m and catch up on podcasts. It's great really.
I moved here four years ago precisely because I wanted a car-free life. My simple living, financial independence and environmentalist goals didn't agree with living in suburban-rural hybrid town I was living in (career & culture options as well, but that's another point)
But I have to say; I miss being able to drive on a regular basis. I actually enjoyed driving everyday when I did have a life that, unfortunately, required car ownership. We can and do participate in car shares when we want to travel outside the city to parks and such, but it's not the same.
As well, my career has moved to a point as well where I could finally afford having a nice car; a used one nonetheless because I'm frugal, but something that actually feels nice to drive. My simple-living/environmentalist/practical spouse won't have any of it though - and rationally so. And I won't do it because of my desire to maximize my savings.
Anyways, I was reading the news and tumbled down the rabbit hole of auto plant shutdowns in North America because of declining sales of sedans and increase in those of SUVs; then found myself reading reviews of vehicles and looking at used ones on sale nearby.
Probably a really weird thread for most who have made it down here, but hey, join me in moping about the sacrifice some of us make for our simple living lives, even if we feel like cheating sometimes.
Submitted January 16, 2019 at 04:15PM by magnusdeus123 http://bit.ly/2FwG2dt