So was applying for a chase credit card and ita been a while but today I got a call from a restricted number. They said they where chase and knew about my application and wanted to get addition information to verify my identity.
They first asked for my phone cell number(thought it was odd since they are calling it now). After that she she was sending a code to my phone and wanted me to read it back to her to confirm it was my right number. After a few ties I did get it so she said it was ok and we could bypass that part.(not starting out right to me)
Then they asked to confirm where I have lived in the past but after a pause because I eas skeptics she said she ment where was my previous employment. (Sounded strange as well)
After that she said "according to public records you know someone named justen, is this true?" At that point I just hung up because I felt like I was being scammed.
Granted, I have never applied for a credit card before unless through my own bank but usually when they ask questions to confirm your identity they give you 3 options to choose from when they ask a questions and you have to choose.
So my big question is, was I being scammed and they where trying to get info out of me to steal my identity or is this what Chase does in order to check to see if your "you" to get approved for a card?
Ps, after I hung up, dont they usually call you back in case you get disconnected? If so, i still have not got a call back.
UPDATE: I just called chase and they said they did need to verify some extra stuff but they didnt ask me the same questions the last person was asking me. They said I needed to go to a chase bank and fill out a form "SSA89", submit proff off address and have the bank fax it to the number they gave me.
Thx everyone for the info. Its always scary to deal with this type of stuff with identity theft being so crazy now a days.
Submitted January 31, 2019 at 09:56AM by Domo326