I'm looking to transfer $10,000 into a HYSA as an emergency fund. I won't be touching it for a long time (hopefully), but I want it gain even a little bit while remaining semi-accessible. After a bunch of research, I've come up with the following criteria:
I want:
- A company that raises APY automatically/competitively for existing accounts (most important. I couldn't find too much information on this)
- APY of at least 2% (very important)
- No or very low minimum balance required
I don't need:
- Checking/debit card (I don't mind having to transfer to my primary bank to withdraw)
- High transaction limit (I won't be touching it)
Is there anything else important I'm missing? Since I'm only putting in $10k, I don't meet some minimums for a few of the higher APY accounts or bonuses. I know people really like Ally around here, but I'd like to explore some other options as well. I'm currently looking at: Marcus by GS, Barclays, Citizens Access, American Express. I'm personally leaning Marcus here.
Submitted January 05, 2019 at 11:33AM by dumdeedum321 http://bit.ly/2F9l6Z8