I am 23 yo male with no specific education drowning in debts. I live in Poland with salary 480$
It all started last year when I get argue with my family, and I broke up with my friends because of their addiction to drugs. At the beginning of it I was doing okey until my girlfriend broke up with me. I get depressed and started taking short and long term loans from various company to pay of my rent and to pretty much lay in bed for whole days eating drinking and crying. It’s last for like 6 months.
Now I’m trying to get back from the bottom but I’m loosing faith that I can do it. Loan company’s calling me all the time which making me even more nervous about my situation.
8000$ debts
480$-1000$ Income depending on hours per month from 160-400. I’m taking as much hours as it’s possible. Per month
Rent: 200$
Need to pay ASAP: 2000$ and growing
780$ has to be paid more then 30days ago
I’m asking you for advice, I don’t have opportunity to ask my family about help, they even don’t have that money. I have possibility to go on 1 course which will be paid but I don’t have much time to attend in it anyway
Reddit please help me. Sorry for bad grammar,spelling. I tried my best
Submitted January 04, 2019 at 01:12AM by PolishEmployee http://bit.ly/2TtW4rA