I'm getting a lot of mixed signals on this install. I'm in an old 1930s home with plaster and lath walls. I've mounted my TV bracket to the studs with 4 lag bolts drilled about 2 3/4"- 3" deep. Just praying I went in center of the studs and not through the side of them. I used a magnet combined with a stud finder so i'm about 90% confident in my marks, but I digress.What I want to do is hide my cords behind the wall, so I purchased this guy. I'm just a little concerned being a novice DIYer, and my first experience with plaster. I've spent hours researching the "right" way to do it. What I have to work with is an oscillating multi tool with a rounded grout removal blade, and a wood blade to get through the lath.The 'teeth' to hold the power modules from that kit in place are only about 5/8" deep. I not sure this will be deep enough to grab behind the lath seeing plaster can be over 1" thick. Is there a better kit out there I haven't came across? One that's specifically designed for plaster walls. Or has anyone has success using this kit? I was thinking I might have more success with this kit since I won't have to deal with making rounded cuts. It would also fit my 90 degree angle power plugs better. Though i'd need new plan to connect my sound bar, but that's a different story. This leads me to my next question.Is there a better way to drill the 3" circles? I don't see the multi tool being able to be that precise, and a hole saw will just get chewed up by the plaster...so i've read.Where should I place the top power module? I came across a post saying to put it between the studs the TV bracket is mounted on between the bolts, so essentially inside the center of the TV bracket if I were to draw an X from the bolts. I'm concerned that this will compromise the integrity of the lath the TV bracket is mounted on. Would it be better to go right above or below the bracket? Or is what I read the way to do it?Any tips/comments are appreciated. I just want to have nice clean set up done right. No jerry-rigging. via /r/DIY http://bit.ly/2rZT62e