Hi guys,
FYI, I am a novice at best when it comes to money. Here's my situation:
Debts - just finished paying off all my car/student loans. Currently debt free.
Credit rating - nearing 800.
In excellent health, exercise 3x per week.
Own my own car, renting a house with my fiancee. No immediate plans to buy a house. We're both 32 years old. Midwest, USA.
- Making approx $35k per year, stable office job. Hoping to soon move up to a $40-$50k position.
- Around $18k invested in company 401K plan.
- Just opened a HSA through my employer, set to deposit $1k in 2019.
- I have a personal Roth IRA with $500.
- I own a musical instrument worth $15k.
- Have $45k in my checking account with $5k in a bank account (Huntington).
Current plan:
Move checking/savings to Ally/Discover/Alliant since they have better APY vs Huntington.
Put $5,500 into a Roth IRA (recommended by a friend).
In general, I'm looking for safe investment opportunities that I can somewhat easily pull out of in case something should happen (ie. lose my job, decide to buy a car, buy a house, etc).
Submitted December 26, 2018 at 08:38AM by GabeNewellsWaistline http://bit.ly/2GI085T