So I decided to trust some long time friends who worked the same job as me for years; figuring there wouldn't be a problem. Shortly after moving in, one lost his job, but got another one right away, no problems.
However, now the other one lost his job and seems pretty content to just do whatever. When I told him bills don't really work like that, he told me "Well if I don't have the money, I don't have the money." He has a ton of expensive electronics, none of which he will sell off to help pay our rent, and I'm not really sure how to handle it. The other one is away and ignores most communication; so I kind of have to handle this on my own. They're a couple, but the one with a job doesn't make enough to cover the jobless one.
I can technically afford the whole place on my own; but it would require me to work a lot of overtime and would be really harsh for me (it's a three bedroom house and I'm trying to save for college with the spare money I get from work).
Is there anything I can do here? The worst case scenario is that I'm paying for someone who sits at home all day and does jack shit while I have to work overtime (And still barely get by), and I know if I let this go on, he will; but it feels like getting him out of the house would take months of effort and still have him just sitting around.
EDIT: I'm getting a lot of "Kick him out" comments, and I'll reply to them; but in the future; how am I supposed to do that? His name is on the lease..
Submitted December 08, 2018 at 09:38AM by CopainChevalier