I've been trying to find a solution for this for awhile now but I need some outside point of views. I can't figure out the best way to get my property from flooding from every light rain. I live at a property with two homes on it and a detached garage, I am from Illinois and close to a bunch of crops so the soil is mostly just that, soil. Not clay, or rock. https://ift.tt/2CimruM All properties are saturated with water. News station behind us has pools of water. Neighbor and I want to build a privacy fence but wind if from side 3 and we need drainage to prevent warping of the fence. 6 inch drop from road to back yard 180 ft depth. The water also breaches the doors of the back home causing a minor flood every time it rains. My mom owns these homes and can't do maintenance after I move out, so I am looking for a one and done solution if possible. Should we use tube with sock or dry well or something else?From the photo: my two homes and the garage is in between (to the side), our property line (marked in red) and spray paint red for density of water when it rains moderately. The driveway is gravel and it's a property issue more than a specific area. The rock just sinks and disappears as more rain comes and we can't afford to just keep putting rock down. Wind comes in strong from side 3 (north), my neighbor also wants to build a privacy fence so we are going to build side 1 together and I'll do side 2 myself.The lot is completely saturated any time is rains, the neighbors as well, but the news station behind us has pools of water 6-12 inches deep. Luckily they are the low point, but they are just barely. If you try to walk in our yard during a rain the surface just sinks or slips to the side if you aren't sure footed. It's just a muddy mess.From what I've researched I can use a ditch with perforated corrugated tube with a sock to drain but I'm not sure that would be the most effective route since there's pools or water only 30 ft away. Perhaps I could do my whole perimeter of the lot and along the homes but that's still a lot of water to deal with, regardless of grade, to the street where I only have about a 6 inch drop for the 180 ft depth from my backyard to the road where I'd route it to. Or should I just take the grade in the opposite direction and build my fence a few feet in and let the sock tubing drain into the news station? Or I also saw that I could do a dry well, but that seems like a lot of maintenance and my mother won't be able to keep up with it.So, would it be best to line the property in a drainage sock to the street, or do a dry well, or meet with the city counsel and have them put in a retaining pond, or put in a pond of my own? When I had this issue in Florida I just planted a few Ligustrums and they dried the area up but this is more severe and the water has been seeping into the back portion of the second house, which causes it's own nest of issues. If I can take care of the source and cure the yard (thus the house) then I should be golden. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks guys. via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2rHz2kR