This is my first time posting and i'm on mobile so please be gentle.
I'm currently a second year metal fab apprentice in Adelaide South Australia, and my car (nissan navara) is on the blocks and ready to kick the bucket, i however don't have the money to directly buy a new car.
I'm making enough that i can reliably finance a car in my current condition and getting a pay rise in just a few months as well. I know lots of people say that if you can't afford to buy it in cash don't buy it at all but i find it hard to save, but quite easy to manage regular deductions and such (i organize and pay all the bills and rent in my house)
I also have the means to get a bit of help if i somehow miss a payment but the possibility of needing it so far is unlikely.
What sort of advice can you guy's offer me?
Submitted December 09, 2018 at 08:25PM by ItsyBitsy_Engineer