For the last few years I've been aware of how good my life is compared to most, and have always been grateful for that (keeping a gratitude journal where writing one thing I'm grateful for every day really helps). But I slip in and out of contentment sometimes and I already imagine a scenario where I either have more money so I can live on my own and afford some of the things I want like more tattoos and a better motorcycle. Or I move to the woods and start focusing on gardening and growing food, with a cat and a dog companion, and live the ultra-simple life of being self-sufficient/independent. (Remember, simple doesn't easy.)
But I had a random epiphany today where I totally understood how what I'm striving for and awaiting on, I actually already have. In fact, I've been making my life even more complicated by making more money (for the first time in my entire life I am not broke or living paycheck to paycheck). I'm certainly not complaining but I have definitely accumulated more things than are necessary. Thinking about that this morning made me realise, I really don't even have all that much stuff compared to most. I have what I deem as necessities, a few luxury items here and there, and a very small number of things that I could easily part with at any moment. Other than that I'd still consider myself a minimalist but I still want to downsize a bit since just a few years ago (before I started my own business) I could fit all my belongings into my car. I can't do that now mostly because I have a drumset and couches now but my epiphany was that I may be able to achieve a simpler life but god damn if my life isn't already simple now then I surely have a fucked up perception of what simple living is.
Just wanted to share because I am happy with this realisation and can continue on without constantly searching for greener pastures.
Submitted October 10, 2018 at 03:55PM by rathskellar