My husband doesn't have access to retirement accounts but has about $20k in a Roth currently, plus about $15k in stocks. He's 32 and starting next year will be making 20-25k/year for around 5 years and then go back up to ~45k/year. We are planning to have a kid and he'll be a stay at home dad who freelances.
I have always split my investments 50-50, always contributing $5500/year to my Roth IRA and doing initially 5500/year into the 401k, which in more recent years has been bumped up to the max due to my contribution plus the match by my work (200% for the first 3% of salary). I just turned 38 and have a fair amount saved up in both, and by my projections we should be fine with me bumping down my retirement for ~5 years.
I know when I was legally single and making less the Roth IRA was a good idea but as I am now legally married and making ~100k/year I am wondering if the Roth makes as much sense.
Does it make more sense to drop my Roth contributions and just fully fund the 401k, or do 5500/year into the Roth and fund the 401k at 12k year?
I suspect the taxes might be differnet than when my husband and I were making less and not legally married.
Submitted October 29, 2018 at 07:29AM by Jergens1