Forgive me if I’m totally off base - I’m fairly new to this all and just trying to gain some understanding.
I’ve seen several posts/comments over the few last days to weeks about how unlikely it is for a company - namely AMZN, but occasionally AAPL - to reach a market cap of several trillion dollars, particularly within the next 5 years. With market caps of approx. 860 billion and 1.06 trillion, is this really that far out of the question?
To me it seems as though we may be applying too much emphasis on “trillion”, when this is essentially just an arbitrary number. The stock prices of AMZN and AAPL have grown 433% and 228% respectively in the last 5 years alone. Similar growth would put both market caps well into the several trillions of dollars.
Is there something I’m missing?
Submitted October 21, 2018 at 11:35AM by rpb92