So what's basically happened is that i lost my job and couldn't maintain my apartment in which i got evicted. My parents offered to house me for a short period of time if i allowed them control over my finances and i thought good on them and accepted it. Now, these are the same parents who charged me for stuff i broke as a KID when i got my first job. Supposedly i owed them near 3k dollars for the cost of raising me and damages i caused growing up. Now, they had me sign an agreement for the control of my finances and that i basically do as they say. They weren't very specific and i trusted them and signed the thing. Now as a result they charge me 600 in rent every month for a single small bedroom in which i can not even have anything other then clothes and a bed in according to their rules. I am only making minimum wage and i barely make 800 a month and my dad takes 600-700 out of that paycheck to pay "Rent" and my "Past debt". I trusted him and didn't argue because the goal was to have me back out on my own in three months so i wasn't too worried and i was just going to endure it. At this point i have been here for 7 months and i have no access to any of my money. I bank through USAA so there are no physical branches i can go to and withdraw my own money from. I feel completely taken advantage of and i even brought that up to him several times in which he argued and refereed me to the agreement stating that he can kick me out if i don't follow his agreement and sends me out of the house if he doesn't want to see me. I feel completely disrespected and taken advantage of, yet i see no way out myself without the result of being homeless. I have considered opening a second account and routing half my money from two or three checks to that account and using it to secure an apartment for myself and convincing him there was a mistake at work and they plan to fix it. Right now i went over it myself and i have made no progress in 7 months to getting out of this situation. Is there some sort of legal action i can take against this or something to at least get out? I don't think i have a way out of this without regretfully ruining my relationship with my parents.
Edit***Recently they have also added accounts from American Furniture warehouse to my credit and i show an extra 5k in debt in which they blew off and said that it would only help me. Is this even legal? I'm far from pleased with this yet arguing that fact could have me homeless.
Submitted September 30, 2018 at 02:54PM by RIPmylife12