I am a software engineer with a MS straight out of college, so my income is pretty solid and due to scholarships I'm fortunate enough to be debt free. I've always been a saver so my parents and I determined that buying a condo over renting would be worthwhile after around a year (and I certainly wouldn't be leaving before then), so I bought a condo in Northern Virginia with a 4.25% 15y mortgage. I've been following the advice in the FAQ here, but I am still wondering what I should do considering I already have the fixed investment of a mortgage.
I have an emergency fund, but I cannot contribute to my 401k for another ~6 months (employer rule). I have been paying down my mortgage aggressively, but I am not sure that is a better investment than making minimum payments and investing in something else. I live very frugally and understand that I am ahead of the curve investment-wise, so I am looking to get the best ROI in my situation with the probably goal of retiring early. Is making a Roth IRA still a good idea if retiring early is a goal? I still feel pretty clueless despite reading a lot about saving effectively.
Some options I have thought of:
- Pay down mortgage aggressively
- Create Roth IRA and invest there
- HSA payments
- General Stock investments?
I really have no idea, and am looking for any and all advice.
Submitted October 28, 2018 at 11:38AM by LordofOranges https://ift.tt/2AvV2V9