If this is the wrong place for posting something like this please let me know, it's my first time posting here. I've casually lurked for a while to try and pick up a few tips and tricks on saving, but my consequences have led me to post here directly for some real advice.
here's the tl;dr out of the way: I'm 26 and I may be facing homelessness soon. 2 - 3 weeks. I have a car and a job but its a very limited space. I've never really tried to rationalize a situation like this, but i'm freaking out over what to do about food. water. staying warm (I live in NH, father winter is coming) and just the mental/emotional strain of not having a place to turn to, etc.
I'll do my best to keep up with replies, but i am at work and they might be limited.
I've had a very hard time breaking the cycle of poverty in my life, and it's entirely my fault, I'm not a victim- just a harvester. I moved in with my best friend for us to try and save money together, we split everything 50/50. this began back in june. there were only a few instances when I had to pay more to cover us, like when she had a speeding fine and needed to repair her car. But all in all she was much better with her money, several credit cards, and where she has a sizable amount of savings I have, almost none. Personal issues now are compacting on our financial situation, and even though I help with money, I'm driving her fucking crazy. It's a small studio, and we're getting a lot of each other, and her habbits and upkeep are modified by her ODC (which is no a fault of hers I really look up to how thorough she is) but if I make a mistake, or if I miss anything, it's a huge point of contention.. emotionally I'm really not well because I am aware of our differences and how i struggle to keep up, I feel really guilty. She tells me how I need to be more open and visible if this is going to work, but I'm afraid to be those things because if I'm not alright i don't want to cause conflict. It's kind of a real mess and its reaching a breaking point.
This person is the only friend I have contact with. My mother passed away and my father and I haven't seen each other face to face in years, I do not get along with him. Outside of her I have no one else to help me, I don't talk to anyone else really. I understand this is punishment, and I deeply regret being such a parasite. I need to make sure whatever I do i can stay close to work, but access those necessities: water, shelter, space, what to do about addresses for my bank/insurance etc.
I was thinking about using the showers at planetfitness since I'm a member so i can stay presentable, by job is business casual and I cant be grungy. The issue with that though is i'm trans, and I don't want that to be a big discussion but it's like.. I have tits and a dick. where do I even go, right? like, I feel for anyone who has the misfortune of being confronted by that confusion because it is public, I get it. I understand the ins and outs and don't want anyone to be uncomfortable.
Every time I post to reddit I end up writing a goddamn book so thank you in advance for making it this far, and at least wish me luck.
Any advice you all could give would be muchly appreciated, especially if you've been in a similar spot.
October 17, 2018 at 10:05AM