So I started working at a golf course about a month ago. I’m currently a Cart Girl and work the Snack Shop. Basically what that means is some days I go out on the course with the beverage cart and sell snacks, beers, etc. and other days I’m in the snack shop doing relatively the same thing. Either way, I make tips.
What I’m confused about is claiming tips. From what I understand, I’m supposed to claim all my cash and credit card tips but I’m moreso confused about the credit card ones (though if you could explain both and how they work in this process that would be great). I know it’s for taxes, but we claim tips daily at the end of each shift when we clock out. When I’ve tried to look this up online, the results always bring up turbo tax or information solely regarding how to fill out your taxes. What I’m looking for is how claiming tips at my place of employment works and what percentage it is and everything.
I know I’m being very vague but that’s because I’m still so confused and don’t necessarily even know what to ask so here’s an example of what I would do:
When I’m closing up the shop, I print the server report and see how much cash due I owe the place from the sales that day and seal that in an envelope. Also on the server report, it will tell me the amount of tips I’m supposed to claim from credit cards under “Tips Paid:” (according to a coworker). Then apparently that amount will come out of my paycheck every time I do it. I thought I had it figured out and that I just get my credit card tips in cash immediately from what’s left over in the register once I take out the cash due (left over meaning whatever is extra after taking out the cash due and leaving however much money was in the register at the start of the day) and then as I clock out I claim a percentage of it, which would be the number on my server report, but yesterday my server report said “Tips Paid: $60.00” (which would be the number I’d have to claim for credit card tips) and only got just over $61 in tips from the register. That confused me because I thought it was supposed to be a percentage. It just feels like if $60 comes out of my paycheck because I made that in tips, that’s not even really a tip, right?
I know it’s legal, I’m just trying to understand the process because no one at my job that I’ve asked has really understood it either.
Edit: I’m from Connecticut if that would help anyone explain this to me! *also I get paid minimum wage which is $10.10 here. I’m not a waitress. I work the register in snackshop and drive the cart around selling stuff when I’m on the course.
Submitted October 17, 2018 at 09:24AM by parawhour