First of all. I know my mother is stupid. I am incredibly angry at her because she has been lying to me for months about where money has been going. I have lent her money because she said she was in a bind and would be able to pay me back shortly. AND she has been scammed TWICE (I suspect by the same people using different names) - 50k the first time and 100k the second time. I also know that anger is not what she needs right now and it's useless to direct any at her.
She first approached me three months ago asking for $5k for a new investment she was part of. Some guy that flipped houses was promising 10% return on investment in three months if she could pull together $50k. This sounded like a scam to me, so i told her as much and told her not to do it but left it at that.
This week, she came to me and admitted that it was never an investment, and that it was a man she met online who needed money until his funds were freed up (yes, the age old tried and true scam that even the simplest mind can spot- or so I thought) and she was out $100,000. Most of which she borrowed through company loans or lines of credit or personal loans.
I said she needed to go to the police, and she said she already did last year for the same scam and they told her nothing can be done. I said that's probably the truth and she'll never see that money again. I am going to press the issue that she report this to her bank and to the police so that they can at least try to help someone avoid this scam in the future.
She told me she wants to kill herself and give me the insurance money to pay off all her debt. I know she needs mental help but I'm also tight on cash and a therapist is out of the question. She has a house but would only get around $80k after selling it.
What kind of options does she have at this point going forward? She is 60 and she now has no savings and a lot of debt. I feel so helpless that I can't just give her money to help with the problem. I really am lost as to what to do moving forward regarding options of bankruptcy or what she can do.
Please guys, if you notice anything strange about your loved ones regarding finances, try to pry into it and see if they are falling for some sort of scam.
We are in Ontario, Canada, and she sent the money via bank transfers and not western union or paypal.
Submitted October 13, 2018 at 09:31PM by imMadasaHatter