It's called 'Crown Covermatt Obliterating Emulsion' and is used on new plaster. I had to buy a giant tub of it because I moved into a rented new build flat and this is the paint used on the walls. Crown told me there was no equivalent colour in their non-trade range so I had to buy it for touch ups when moving out. I'm moving into a new flat soon and the bedroom could do with a lick of paint, but obviously it's not new plaster, its actually ancient wallpaper that's been painted over. Do you think I could use this emulsion on there? I don't want to use it and then find it only sticks to plaster and I have peeling walls on my hands or something!! But on the other hand, I have this enormous tub of paint that will go to waste otherwise...Thanks! via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2Iy8WbZ