Got pretty hammered on a few positions - looking at you Square. I've got about 20% sitting in cash on the sidelines.
This fall has also pushed a number of my positions that were up a lot into flat or even net losses, and I've been wanting to rotate some out of tech as I'm way over weight there.
Do I sell some of those tech positions now that they are at a loss and move them to some of the more stable positions I was hoping to get into?
Do I keep the cash sitting - obviously no one can predict the bottom etc etc etc, so do I just bite and enter on this dip with half of the cash on the sidelines?
-MSFT (yeah tech but, solid co)
- DO i add more to the tech stocks I had, I mean a lot fo the gains were wiped out: ADBE, ROKU, AMZN, GOOG, FB (FANG looking attractive), and what do i do with SQuare [ave in 76 - buy more?]?
-suggestions? Also what do you guys think about Macy's? I dind't realize they are giving a 4.7% dividend [It wasn't even on my radar until I saw some lengthy discussion about it last night. They do have great RE holdings but arent monetizing it very well, still not really truely looking to add just thought I'd ask]
edit: My goal is to rotate into some value stocks b/c I'm too heavy tech and growth
Submitted October 12, 2018 at 08:49AM by akmalhot