My brother knows I'm into being financially responsible. I save, I have an emergency fund, etcetera. A few weeks ago he tells me about this lecture or seminar that he's going to.
Immediately the premise sounded too good to be true. So it probably was. I told him this and said I wouldn't attend. They, however, did.
Today he's telling me about it pretty enthusiastically. Basically they require him to buy a piece of software for 500 euros and then he's in. This software is supposed to "buy and trade currencies" or something. It was rather vague. I tell him that it sounds like a bitcoin miner, and he admits that the lecturer even compared it to that. I tell him bitcoin miners don't turn a profit unless you steal electricity somehow, and even then it's marginal.
Anyway, his next point is that as soon as he convinces 5 other people to sign on, his 500 euros are reimbursed.
This is where the red flags started popping. Am I being paranoid?
Submitted October 11, 2018 at 11:43AM by Sabrewylf