So I'm fixing up an old weatherboard bungalow in our backyard to make some usable storage and working space. Pic of bungalow https://ift.tt/2QgalXY bungalow has some issues with moister, as the crawlspace is tight (varies betweeb 50 to 150mm below the beams / 20 to 30mm to the floor.Previously there was not much ventilation due to dirt being piled up against it on the sides and gutters/ drain overflowing. I have since cleared this.Since the bungalow sits low over very clay based dirt, I can imagine no matter what I do to improve it, it may stay a little moist in a few areas. (I'll also be adding a French drain on the slightly higher side of the ground)I Know previously there was a decent amount of moister entering the bungalow because for a while I had a large plastic sheet on the floor with some building supplies on it and 12 months later when I pulled it up it was moist underneath the plastic on the top of the floorboards with signs of a bit mold.See patch of black on floorboards here https://ift.tt/2x386hO rest of the building and subfloor shows no signs of mold and is in relatively good condition.I have since stripped everything out and fixed subfloor and supports. Here is a pic after demo before fixing a bit of the sub floor. https://ift.tt/2QgaFpE, I'm going to add bulk insulation (earthwool) to roof and walls, then put in a yellow tongue floor.In terms of moister, what can I do to prevent it coming up through the floor and also impacting the yellow tongueI have read about laying a moister barrier on the ground itself (just a poly sheet covering the soil), does this work?I just worry this will trap more moister in the soil/ cause other problemsIs there any way to fix something between or under the joists to prevent moister coming up to / through the yellow tongue?I'm concerned if I don't stop moister from below, then lay a floating laminate floor with underlay, this might trap moister beween yellow tongue and the underlay leading to the same problem I had with the plastic sheet on the floorboards ((moister leading to mold trapped between underlay and yellow tongue)Any thoughts on an approach?Thanks. via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2O4E4Sl