I'm a 29 year old married minimalist and it took having our first kid to realize the importance of personal spaces vs. common spaces. When it was just my wife and me, our things could be scattered throughout the house. Everything had a place more or less, but cabinets and closets throughout the house were used for our personal things. Having a young, adventurous boy doing everything he can to get into these cabinets and closets is what set triggered a light bulb moment for me. If our things are in our bedroom, then we can shut the door and not worry about them one bit. I began to ask myself....Why should our things be scattered throughout the house anyway? What if all of our kids' things were scattered throughout the house too? It would be chaos! So we now live by a simple rule: Keep the common spaces free and clear of our personal belongings. And keep our personal belongings in our personal spaces.
Since implementing, we have pared down a ton of stuff that really wasn't important enough to us to take up our valuable personal space. That cant be a bad thing! :)
Submitted September 26, 2018 at 10:28PM by dfraggd https://ift.tt/2NFD8rc