So, pardon me if this comes across as edgy. But Im completely disillusioned with the state of our society at the moment. I was told all my life that all I needed to do to get ahead in life was work hard and play by the rules...go to college, study well, get good grades, and I would have the life I dreamed of. Turns out, this is only a fraction of the truth. The reality is, you need to have money, social standing, and much more to have that kind of life.
Its like, housing is increasing, healthcare, education are all out of reach, jobs besides retail are scarce for people like me who don't have 5+ years experience, and I'm just like....what do I do? I played by the rules and I still failed?
Its making me feel maybe I shouldn't try anymore. I'm so tempted to just ditch everything I have, move to a small mountain town, get a part time job, and just spend my free time outdoors. But for some reason that idea doesn't sit right with me...I have to have a career and want a house and lots of money in order for me to obtain "happiness". What? To be 45, out of shape, doing nothing useful except paper-pushing, just waiting to die or be replaced by robots? (whichever comes sooner).
I don't know what to do. Trying not to feel sad but I am. : ( What do I do when I feel like nothing in society is actually worth it?
Submitted September 03, 2018 at 11:39PM by Yeti_Smith