I live in the Philippines and I've been living off instant coffee for the last few years. Aside from instant coffee at home, I also frequent starbucks because I'm lazy like that. Today, I went to the mall to buy a coffee press and there was a clearance sale. I got a 800ml for around 4usd. It included a small bag of beans. On my way home, I thought about stopping by another coffee shop to get some coffee (obviously) and chicken pot pie. I stopped myself thinking I can make coffee at home, so I did! So that's what I did, went home, made coffee and grinned like an idiot because I felt like an adult lol. I announced to family that I got a coffee press and they have now offered me to try their beans so I've got bags waiting for me to pick them up. I'm so happy I made this purchase and it's wonderful to drink decent coffee at home without spending too much.
September 02, 2018 at 02:26PM