I deleted my Facebook account permanently. I posted something 2 months ago for a musical I was doing that involved swastikas and today Facebook logged me out and removed the post from my profile. It banned me for 24 hours and warned me that it would ban me for 3 days next time I posted something that was against their “community guidelines”.
I reacted and downloaded all of my data and then deleted (not deactivated) my account. I refuse to be censored by big corporations and silenced for things I do because it doesn’t fit into some bogus ideology mold. As a performer and musician, I feel naked without Facebook. I feel like I will somehow miss out on things. That I am in the dark about music. That somehow I won’t be as successful without it. All of which are BS beliefs, perpetuated BY the very same tech companies that birthed these things.
I know plenty of people in the arts that don’t use the online social media stuff to become successful and well known. That’s a misnomer of social media. People were famous and well known long before social media and YouTube. I feel these giants are instant entertainment. Void of meaning. Void of true fans and relationships. Vapid at its core and nothing more than a hallow shell of an existence for anyone spending more than 2 hours per day on them.
I feel naked because without physically having a Facebook to go to when I’m bored etc.. I realize just how ingrained and how dependent we are on it. How the social media sites are actually changing our thought processes and ways of dealing and handing things.
How many times per day on average do you find yourself mentally composing a status update that will hopefully yield a high amount of likes and comments? THEE status that will be this massive cathartic digital experience that the world MUST know about in order for you to feel validated and that others share in these thoughts and feelings too?
It’s a system that has taken over how, what and why we think about things. Eventually it will dissolve itself and more and more people will unplug and get back to basics and true intrinsically meaningful and satisfying relationships and friendships. I’m glad I did it because now this uncomfortable feeling of not knowing what to do without it will help me find more meaningful things to fill my time with like writing and reading. Calling friends. Being more involved. Being connected in other ways.
Submitted September 07, 2018 at 12:42AM by pianobuddy2000 https://ift.tt/2CsRF4h