Hi everyone!
First post in this sub! If it's important, im specifically talking about the UK in this post.
So I am in need of a new laptop but I dont currently have the amount to spend in one big chunk. I was looking at a laptop online which is offered at £85 / month (which I can easily afford) at 0% APR.
So to my understanding, 0% APR means I will only be paying £85 a month for 12 months with no interest. AKA, I will be paying the face price of the laptop that is being offered on the website (AO).
Will this affect my credit score? I'm not entirely sure how credit works, I am a student, never taken any bank loans, dont have a credit card (only debit). Will buying this laptop with that 12 month plan have a negative imact on my credit score? How can this effect me in the future?
Thank you all in advanced!
Submitted September 26, 2018 at 06:26AM by AmazingSturdy https://ift.tt/2xQDX5L