Hello sub, I have a concern I would like to relate to you all. Please keep in mind, I am twenty-four years old and this is the only property I have ever owned. Around 5 years ago me and my sister were given a property totalling I was told around 0.88 acres. It’s a simple, set of four lots bordering a somewhat low-income area. It was until recently quite out of sorts with large concrete chunks and such littering it all over. Some people had also thrown sofas and some couches on the property. It was not in good shape. Since, I haven’t had much drive to do anything with the property, it has just kind of sat. I know I should have done better, but, I have has many concerns over the years and this just isn’t one of them.
Recently, however, a note was received in the mail from the fity demanding that it be cleaned up and accompanying it were some dire threats of this was not carried out. My sister’s husband attempted to clear and smooth it out but it was apparent that his equipment, a tractor, was not sufficient. He was thanked profusely for his efforts, nonetheless. Me, my mom, and my sister sat down and discussed options. My mom called the city and they were very gracious and understanding and gave us a two-week extension. We decided to get quotes on dirtwork options and my sister mentioned that her husband had a family friend who did stuff like this, and, that it would cost $2000. Me and my mom explained that it would be better to do some more looking since we had time and it was understood that more quotes would be gathered.
A few days of me and my mom looking for quotes, my mom discovered an experienced owner and operator of a bulldozer who would do the job for $800. A day later, a bulldozer was seen on the property as the $800 operator was shown the property. My mom immediately discovered that my sister had given the go-ahead for the family friend to do the work. We were both furious. My sister was immediately called and questioned and she revealed she bad done this. (A quick aside: my sister is overweight, impulsive, and not really bright at all. She had to take low level math classes to pass high school. Impetuously thinks she grasps topics that are far beyond her understanding.) On the phone call she immediately starts bawling and whining pitifully, her typical response to any serious mistake.
Next day, her husband comes riding into my mom’s house complaining about the phone call (nothing unreasonable was said) and then my sister arrives. A long conversation ensues in which sister and her husband pressure me over and over again to sell this property and I kept reiterating that it needs to be fenced and surveyed and that I need to speak with some sort of financial advisor to see if this is a good decision. (The taxes on the property are very, very, very low and I have been curious about whether it will appreciate). It also slips out in the conversation that sister’s husband’s cousin, that they share a business with, is wanting a new place to house their equipment for their propane business. This was a discussion in which I was calm and considerate of their viewpoints but my sister was curling up on the couch and screeching like a drowner poked with a silver sword.
I am currently going to school right now after leaving an awful, yet lucrative job. I have few financial obligations except for school, which, I might leave if the right job pops up. I am just asking what you guys think I should do. Buy her out, sell her my share? Should I buy it to let it appreciate and sell it later? I really don’t relish living in that area again.
Sorry for huge post. Thanks everyone.
Submitted September 15, 2018 at 12:29PM by Desirestolearn https://ift.tt/2NM267y