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A week or two ago, I decided to put together a post of all of the free services, events, and other things available to us in our community or on the internet. Instead, because it turned out so long (Reddit really doesn't like posts more 4,000 characters), it is now a wiki which I will add to the sidebar:

A Guide to Free Services, Events, and Things In Your Community and On The Internet

Sometimes, in hunting for bargains at commercial stores, we sometimes miss some of the resources available to us for free in our own communities and online. This is just a partial list of some of the more useful free options that can help you be frugal or enjoy life more. While some of these are things I have known about for a long time, many are ideas or tips that I have learned in this sub or from other Redditors in the past three years. I hope this wiki is a helpful resource for everyone here.

Consistent with our rules, I have avoided anything that would be "unethical life pro tips," fraud, theft, piracy, or any illegal activity. Please follow our rules when commenting.

Note: a few are nearly free or require a donation of time or money but are still worthy of consideration.

Special Thanks:

A shout out and hat tip for the following people who have asked great questions or shared their advice with Reddit (or me). Their posts and comments helped me find many of these awesome resources. In no particular order (and apologies if I missed anyone): u/hughperman, u/Chtorrr, u/sylver_dragon, u/ohmylemons, u/upofadown, u/MeowMixSong, u/slackslackliner, u/3PinkPotatoes, u/LavernicaDeLuca, u/TheDuffelbag, u/Love_the_heat, u/K6usy, r/alicemalice12, u/PM_ME_BrusselSprouts, u/mostlyrational, u/Reneeisme, u/primeline31, u/Slugged, /u/Savvy_Bean, u/AmNotLost, u/kisses_joy, u/skiattle, u/jpr073180, u/ViolentVBC, u/BootyMcScooty, u/red-bearded, u/THECapedCaper, u/SquirreI, u/NotMyCircus, u/Tom7980, u/abercromby3, u/zeaga, u/ggagagg, u/njdeatheater, u/JCthulhuM, u/TunaLobster, u/Comrade_Bender, u/zzgoogleplexzz, u/urkex, u/Vorokar, and u/adaranyx. A thank you to the many subs mentioned in here as well.

July 23, 2018 at 01:25PM

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