Earlier this year my dog was brutally mauled by my other dog. It happened in the midst of a financial jam for my business so I applied for and was approved for care credit at the local vet office.
About 3 months had passed and I realized that I had never received a statement from them. I had called the 800 number and spent about an hour on the phone with them and was told they could not find a record of me, which I thought was incredibly strange.
That same week I started to receive collection calls from them and quickly learned that the vet that entered my application entered the last digit of my social security number wrong and incorrectly used my previous address from when we first started visiting the vet.
Not a problem. I’ll have synchrony update the information and pay the account off. Nope. I’m stuck in a never ending loop.
They won’t provide me with an account number to correct the issue because I can’t validate the information on the account. I can’t make a payment through their automated systems because I don’t have the account number. They won’t take a payment when they call me 5 times a day because I can’t validate my social.
I’ve been directed to their fraud department and have told they would investigate and I never here back. I’ve been trying for months to correct this issue.
Now it’s reporting 180 days past due on my credit report for $500. How and why it’s reporting on my credit without valid information baffles me. I’ve bought multiple credit reports trying to get the account number and none show the full number
I’ve tried redirecting my mail from the old address again and I have not received anything from synchrony or care credit.
Please provide guidance, this tanked my score from the mid 700s.
Submitted August 12, 2018 at 08:32AM by hughra https://ift.tt/2Mfa8oT