I've searched but can't find straightforward answers to these questions:
- On the government ssa website it lists estimated benefits based on retirement ages of 62, 67, and 70. But they assume I will work until those ages. How can I estimate my benefit if I stop working at 62 but don't start collecting until 67?
- Again on the government ssa website, do the estimated benefits take into account an average yearly COLA (say 2%)? So if it says $2,000/month at 67 which is in 10 years, will it likely be more like $2,438?
- Everything written about ssa benefits talks about full regiment age (67 for me) and how you get less taking it early and more taking it later. But is it linear? Start with the amount at 62, it increases some at 63, and then 64, etc... but is there some extra jump at 67? Does it keep increasing at the same rate up to 70 and beyond? So is 67 'magical' in some way?
Submitted August 17, 2018 at 03:19PM by chuckhas61 https://ift.tt/2L2EENZ