Hello everyone, I am planning a gift for my girlfriend and I have decided to get her a leather notebook cover. Her preferred notebook size (for her bullet journal) seems to be A5. I was initially looking for something around $50 if possible but I would be okay up to $100.
I searched some places (Galen, Saddleback, etc.) but I couldn't decide so I wanted to hear from r/BuyItForLife. I actually liked Galen's covers but they took a long time to produce and ship (3-4 weeks in total) and it runs the risk of being late for the occasion especially since they are probably not working this week due to religious holiday in Turkey. We are actually flexible with time but I am not sure if it is a purchase for life. Saddleback didn't have something that fits A5 notebooks and also looks like more expensive.
TL; DR: I want an A5 size leather notebook cover under $50-100 for life.
I would also be interested in knowing things outside my budget if they are worth it for future reference.
Submitted August 21, 2018 at 01:13PM by amhotw https://ift.tt/2N9jmA2