I’ve recently purchased an in line KDF filter (the one picture below) and I’m scratching my head trying to figure out how I can best plumb it. The filter is meant for RVs and boats and is meant to be used when you are filling a tank with water (as supposed to what I’m doing, filtering between my water tank and tap). The filter comes with both hose fitting ( won’t be using) for both ends as well as barb fittings (will be using) that fit into my 3/8 ID tubing I’m using for the system. I’ve looked at water filtration faucets and they seem to need to use 3/8 OD tubing, which is much smaller than what I’m using for the filter. Here’s my question, would it be possible for me to attach my filter to my hot water line (I don’t have hot water in the van) or would my best option be trying to configure a way to attach the “out end” of the filter to the small filtered water faucet? I suppose I could also try to get smaller barbs on each end of the filter but my system uses a t bard for the regular unfiltered water going into the cold water hose, the filtered and my water pump. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to find a t barb that is 3/8inch on two ends and a much smaller size on the other. Hopefully that all makes sense, let me know if you have any ideas! I can attach more pictures if needed via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2MtLgKU