This is going to be a bit of a rant... so I apologize in advance... I think Dave Ramsey has some points. But like a lot of people in his generation, he completely fails to put himself into the shoes of others, and hides behind calling folks "snowflakes" that "complain" that college is too expensive.
I was listening to his show yesterday, and he made a comparison saying that cost of college since 1982 has increased by 7% a year, and inflation was ~2.9ish. His point was that it should be just as possible to pay cash now as it was when he paid $940 for a year of college. He also boldly claims that people who say "wages are stagnant" are wrong. Here a quick comparison using his numbers.
Year | College Tuition (University of Tennessee, in-state) | Average Salary |
1982 | $940 | $14,000 |
2018 | $13,500 | $50,000 |
Using his logic, it should be easy enough to work and save to pay $13k a year to pay cash for college. What he doesn't acknowledge (and neither do any of the boomers) is that college then (based on his numbers) was ~7% of average income of the time. Today? Well I'm getting 28%. That's more than many people recommend spending on rent. There's much more wrong with this than that - but the 7%/28% metric was the best way I could think to illustrate how wrong he is.
For the record, I have minimal student loans and went to an in-state school for undergrad/grad school - but it's ignorant to not acknowledge the times are different, and that maybe student loans are necessary for some people to get an education.
I don't know. Maybe if I walked with Jesus I would be less of a snowflake. And don't forget Dave, "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." -Jesus
Submitted August 29, 2018 at 03:21PM by hatswithoutmen