It might seem somewhat silly, but for the first time ever, I was someone else's safety net because things went wrong. I've always had family that I could rely on, and I'm very grateful for that. Through budgeting, saving, and learning to live within my means, I've been able to not only be able to give myself an emergency fund and am living debt free, but also I was someone else's safety net when things went wrong for them.
Let me preface, I'm not someone who likes to loan out money. But I've been in a position where I've had things go drastically wrong and found myself without steady income and had to rely on family members to get my life back in order. I hated having to do that, but I'm grateful that they were there for me when I needed them.
I recently had a good friend ask me for assistance. She had some medical issues she was dealing with causing her to miss work. We have since found out she's got an autoimmune disorder. She's also a single mom who doesn't get child support. She wasn't going to be able to pay her bills.
That same day I was able to write her a check. I'm not going to say how much on here, but I'll say that it was about 75% of a 2 week paycheck.
I'm happy I was able to do it. But I'm also happy that I was able to do it without hurting myself. All of my bills are still paid, I still have a good emergency fund, and I don't have to stress about knowing when I'll get paid back.
I guess I just wanted to share with you other kind people on this subreddit about this accomplishment!
Submitted August 17, 2018 at 03:20PM by drsideburns