Hi guys! I hope this is an appropriate sub for this. My basic question is, how does one dispute or pay utility bills that are outrageous?
Yesterday we got our water bill and our normally $35 water bill was a little over $975 (using a little over 181,000 gallons of water for the month. We checked everywhere and have not located a leak. The only thing we can figure is that there is a massive underground leak or that the water company totally screwed up. We are going to check the meter when we get home today from work to see if it’s spinning when the water is off in the house. My boyfriend called them today to ask wtf is going on and they said they’d send someone out Tuesday and that was it. Now, that’s a loooong time if our water truly is leaking like that. I’m displeased about this because obviously I don’t want to pay more money for something that we don’t even know for sure what’s going on.
If this is a leak that we were obviously unaware of, is there a way to dispute or handle a utility bill like this?
Thanks in advance!
Submitted August 10, 2018 at 11:09AM by benigntyranny https://ift.tt/2Osr74w