I have to make 100 towel racks for a particular hotel's bathrooms and am wondering what the best combination of materials, paint, treatment would be. The hotel is by the beach as well, so the wood should be highly durable and have good properties in humid environments.I was thinking red oak would be better to use than pine for durability and problems seen with moisture / high humidity. I know it's about 2x the cost but the hotel would be covering it.I will be cutting the boards into 2' long sections from 12' planks (or whatever the longest plank i can get).I was planning on using diamond paint / primer (white gloss, mildew resistant) but is it necessary for me to seal the boards with waterproof sealer as well to prevent the end grain from swelling up?Is diamond the best type of paint / primer to use in this situation? Is red oak better than pine?Thanks, any other tips appreciated. via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2OaPeod